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The scope of this year's call is: Beyond the bacterial microbiome

For many years now, microbiology researchers have explored the role gut bacteria play in human health. However, the human gut is home to a rich ecosystem of microbial and non-microbial components with multiple complex interactions.  A better understanding of these interactions is one vital component in completing our picture of the role of the human gut microbiome in human health and breakthroughs could be an important key to making an impact on human lives.

The new Global Grants for Gut Health call for applications in 2024 is seeking research proposals to explore beyond the bacterial microbiome, to elucidate mechanisms of interaction between the host, the microbial, and non-microbial microbiomes in the gut.


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The full guidelines for applicants are available here: GGGH Guidelines for Applicants 

You are advised to prepare your application in a standalone document first before copying the elements into this form and to retain this document and share it with your institution's signing officer. 

Please note that you are also expected to warrant that you have shared the GGGH pro forma funding agreement with your institution's funding office and received in principle approval, that requires no more than minor changes. 


To view the website homepage, please visit: https://www.nature.com/immersive/gutgrants 

The funding agreement is available here: GGGH Funding Agreement 

The full terms and conditions of entry can be viewed here: GGGH Terms & Conditions 

Further enquiries: gutgrants@springernature.com

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